Yaay! I finally won over the phenomenon of procrastination to write this year 🙂

Happy new year peeps! After a short winter vacation to a couple of east European countries, the new year eve week was rather low key. The weather also played its part, but most importantly, I missed my people.

I missed the college days kinda new year eve where we used to be at Bessie beach with thousands of others shouting “Happy new year” in the loudest of noises to random people!

I missed the excitement of going overnight drive with my gang post all the fireworks and the crazy antics of people on bikes with the police just being spectators as us. 

I missed school days kinda new year eve where at 12am, we used to watch Podhigai TV playing Kamal’s iconic “Hello everybody, wish you a happy new year!”

I missed the fear of going to school the day after new year as Half-yearly exam results would be distributed.

I missed the cheerful vibes of the city- the fresh hot Pongal from temples celebrating Margazhi, the overnight Carnatic musical concerts & dance rituals and the not-so cold,not-so warm weather of the city.

I missed the spectacle of well dressed men & women on roads- some going to parties, some going to temples, some going to offices, some going to meet their relatives and some going to meet their best buddies.

Right! Pretty sure I missed much more but enough of nostalgia. Let’s get to some facts.
I randomly checked my wordpress stats and this caught my eye. As someone who never cares about data & analytics, this actually made me think. 

Though initially this series was supposed to be a 100 week thingy in the beginning, it is not as per the plan. But I managed to rack up articles for almost half of the year, with plenty of viewers. This is actually a personal milestone for me since I was at one of the lowest points of my life this year. But I still had the urge to continue writing after going through everything (though the quality still sucks I know). 

In addition to that, I got messages from friends whom I lost connection years back, and comments from random bloggers who gave their honest opinions. Ofcourse this is a personal blog strictly with my own thoughts but still a little external validation makes us happy 🙂
They said blogs are outdated. Yes, youtube videos and insta reels rack up more eyeballs, but writing is still the OG way to my satisfaction.

Finally, 12 days into the new year, and already it has been eventful. Hope this year brings up more joy and we continue to survive amidst all the chaos around us. 


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